Sheep Shearing Woolshed
Are you looking for a sheep shearing system for an existing or new woolshed, that will make your life easier, less stressful and be more cost-effective?
Why people are buying the ShearMaster
Save Time
It’s important to note that time spent dragging out a sheep is unproductive time for the shearer, the rousie, and for you. The feedback has been very clear, the ShearMaster increases shearing tallies and so reduces the length of time taken to complete the job. This not only saves you time spent managing the shearing process but also makes better use of shed and farm staff time as well. As my dad always used to say. “It’s great to see the shearers come, but it’s better to see them go!”
Save Space
Because the ShearMaster does away with the traditional catching pens and uses our well proven CrutchMaster loading race, the space required for the system is minimal. Each shearing stand takes up just 2 metres, which allows for a 5-stand system to be just 10 metres long. That allows you to fit more shearing stands into an existing shed, or you can build a new smaller shed.
Save Money
The price of a ShearMaster is not only very competitive compared to building a traditional shearing board, its unique design and space saving ability allows for a much smaller “new” shed to be built if necessary, or an old existing shed stripped and reconfigured. It also works very well incorporated into a multi-purpose shed design and by removing the drag we have found that shearing tallies have increased which can allow for less of your time spent in the shed while shearing is happening and potentially less shed staff wages.
Save Energy
Dragging sheep out of a catching pen requires a lot of energy and I am speaking with fifteen years of experience behind me. Like with our CrutchMaster system, eliminating the catch and drag saves time but also saves a lot of unnecessary hard work. You reach in, tip the sheep out, and let gravity help from there.
Save Risk
Ultimately, the ShearMaster reduces your risk. How? It requires less capital expenditure than a traditional woolshed, it future proofs you from shearers not being allowed (or refusing) to drag 70kg sheep out of a catching pen (bear in mind baggage handlers aren’t allowed to lift any more than 23kgs) and as one of our clients so eloquently put it “If my daughter comes home to run the farm in 5 years time and decides she doesn’t want to run sheep, I’m not left with a half a million-dollar woolshed that has no use, I can just forklift the ShearMaster out and sell it to the neighbour!”.
The ShearMaster with minimal extra cost and effort can also be turned into our CrutchMaster upright crutching platform when required which allows for the safe and fast crutching of ewes and lambs. It has been designed with the future in mind to allow for the addition of “upright shearing platforms” and Bio-Peel (Biological wool harvesting) if and when required.
Designed by a Shearer
Don’t get me wrong, this is a well-engineered piece of equipment, but its development was driven by a shearer. The machine fits around the shearing, not the shearing around the machine – that’s a big difference. One example of the “shearer experience” is that the sheep in the race face towards the shearer so that when tipped out of the race they do not need to be twisted around and dragged into position.
Want to know more?
Here’s the plan - let us send you an information pack and price list (Enquire Now) that shows in detail what we can offer you to reduce labour costs, increase staff productivity, minimise capital outlay, stress, and hopefully some weather disruptions as well.
If you like what we offer you can either call us (1-800-750-584) for a chat or email us back a sketch or drawing of your existing or proposed woolshed and together we can work out if our ShearMaster makes sense for your farming operation.
If it doesn’t make sense for your situation, then we will wish you all the very best and move on, and if it does make sense, we will send you a plan and quote you a price.
If you like the plan, and agree to the price, then a 10% deposit will get your ShearMaster underway with the balance to be paid once the system is ready for collection. Note. There is around a 6 month lead time so pays to start investigating early.
You then install the ShearMaster (a simple process) and enjoy the benefits of a shearing system that will save you, and your shearing team, time, effort and, perhaps most importantly, - stress.
So. if you're a farmer who wants wool harvesting to be easy and profitable and are looking for more control over weather, labour costs, capital expenditure and future proofing for what innovation may be on the way, then Enquire Now to find out why a Perkinz ShearMaster will give you more time, less stress and a much better use of your money.
Australia Call 1-800-750-584 / Email wayne@perkinz.com.au
New Zealand Call 021 445 920 / Email wayne@perkinz.co.nz
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